Friday, May 28, 2010

Welcome, baby!

date of birth: July 31, 2009 (natural birth)
height / weight: 51cm / 3328g
food: breast milk + S-26
electric breast pump: Spectra 6

My baby often cries just before peeing and needs to fall asleep in someone's arms. The hardest work is feeding. He often keeps burping for several minutes or regurgitates milk, so I have to let him sit upright for at least 30 min. He likes to smile, talk, suck his fingers and watch the lights in the 3rd month. Also, he sometimes chuckles during sleep.
My baby is 7.5 kg at 4 months and full of excitement and vitality. He eats 120c.c. each meal, 700~800c.c. each day, including breast milk 600~700c.c. and some formula. I wonder why he farts a lot. I love to look at him and feel his breath and moving. We started sleeping on the same pillow last middle Oct.
Jan.24, 2010

He can't turn his body over yet. I guess it's because my mother-in-law always puts him in the stroller and holds in the arms. I couldn't breastfeed because my left foot was injured Dec.24 and I'd taken medicine for 2 weeks. That's why my milk supply is low recently. He eats 130~140c.c. each meal and is mostly formula-fed. He likes to stand and play with saliva and make bubbles at 5 months.

My mother-in-law and I loved the LeapFrog Alphabet Pal. Though my 6-month-old isn't ready to be introduced to colors and letters, I bought this toy $1485 at the department store Jan.29. My baby loves to put things in his mouth, so I bought 2 teethers. But, he doesn't like them. Interesting that he started to play with his penis when we bath him and change his diaper.

March 13, 2010
My baby gets tired of milk at 7.5 months, but he still likes to suck at the breast. I started giving him goat milk as well.
My son can sit well, stand up with support and clap at 8 months, but can't crawl. We've been told he looks just like his dad. He got his first tooth at 9.5 months, and likes to shake his body when hearing music.
May 28, 2010


  1. Congratulations!!! Think of you often and happy to hear such great news. Stay in touch. Best wishes.

  2. 寶寶的眼睛很漂亮呢!有著明顯的雙眼皮~

  3. 恭喜恭喜~

  4. adele_pete@hotmail.com11:28 PM, September 13, 2009

    Congratalations. what have you called the baby? was he born july 31st or in august?
    adeleuk write when you can no hurry look after your self and baby

  5. congrats!! I bet he's keeping you busy!

  6. 這兩個影音 讚喔!

  7. 我覺得媽媽比小孩好笑耶! 尤其第二個影片,你不說,我看不出小baby流口水了。

  8. 裸照要打馬賽克阿! 妳們家弟弟長大看到那一張一定很不好意思。^^
