I’m grateful. I have a stable job just after leaving college, have 2 adorable children, spend time with my parents, brother and sis from time to time and obtained my Master’s degree in Music Education. Besides, I’ve experienced almost all what I wanted: studying abroad in summer 2001, backpacking and traveling abroad with my parents this summer!
My sons' midterm exam results are the best birthday gifts! Both of them ranked 2nd in their classes.
Our Canon camera is finally fixed!
My husband and Felix left for my in-laws before dinner on Sat, Nov. 17th and came home the next night. My college classmate Yali came stay over with a Kuo-Fong (國豐) taro chocolate cake on the Saturday night for the second visit within a month. We stayed up chatting till 1:30! Sweet Regis watched TV, played with toys, played the piano and read Doraemon when we chatted. He went to bed at midnight. Yali left for an education workshop in Yilan while I was still in bed the next morning.
Nov. 24 was Election Day. After voting in the afternoon, I took my kids to the park and found the pet goose following its owner. So cute! We watched it and chatted with the owner.
I couldn't resist the lure of coupons. A week later, we had lunch again at Fridays.
I got a Howfun buy 1 get 1 free Line coupon. At the end of the month, my sons and I had dinner at the Spanish restaurant in Global Mall. Besides, I got a $100 Global Mall birthday voucher! After dinner, we attended a concert at Taiwan Uni.