Sunday, February 21, 2021

winter break 2021 花蓮 益品書屋 EP-BOOKS

Winter break started Jan.21. On the first day our school teachers had a meeting and prepared lessons. My boys and I enjoyed afternoon tea buffet with the other music teacher and two student teachers at Eatogether, and then Felix had cello lesson and Regis had violin lesson. Due to Covid-19, the start of the second term originally scheduled for Feb.18 has been rescheduled to Monday, Feb.22.
Felix had one week science research course (1:30 PM- 8:00 PM) before February and is preparing for Falla Music Competition. We missed Excellence Music Competition. I signed in online last month, but didn't notice the due date to pay.😓
Regis created a YouTube channel on Jan.26. We invited my friends, relatives and his teachers to subscribe. He got 19 subscribers within 24 hours. Hope it helps him practice the piano and violin harder. Besides, he started to compose with MuseScore, and then Felix does that too. They practice instruments, read, play basketball, watch films and play with Lego blocks during the winter break. So relaxing~
We left for Taichung, my hometown on Feb.9 and visited my in-laws the next day and stayed for one night to have lunar new year's eve dinner. We drove to Hualien with my brother on lunar new year's day and spent the holiday with my parents and sister's family in the east of Taiwan.

Feb. 12, Fri.
Hehuan Shan 合歡山→ Sibao Elementary School 西寶國小→ dinner at 
洄瀾樂活民宿 Lan Lohas ($4040)

Feb. 13, Sat.
lunch at 
長春藤 Buffet→ 親不知子海上古道→ Jiqi 磯崎→ dinner at 055 Lobster Seafood
accommodation: 山水相連 豐坪福堡 ($4300)
accommodation: The Moonsea 月牙灣海岸行館 ($4000, breakfast)
Feb. 15, Mon.
Baiyang Trail 白楊步道→ late lunch at 半天紅麻辣館 Taichung

Feb. 16, Tue.
lunch at Mr. 38→ 崇德榕園
Feb. 17, Wed.
Wen-Xin Forest Parklunch at 品虹 PinHongQiao 益品書屋 EP-Books→ home

We bought some restaurant coupons online before the lunar new year holiday. After coming back, we enjoyed gourmet food 3 days in a row!