Sunday, February 12, 2023

winter break 2023 赤崁樓 四草綠色隧道 七股鹽山 四重溪溫泉公園 墾丁 SUP 天元宮

This winter break started on Jan. 20. We headed south to embrace the warm sunshine on Lunar New Year's Eve. After New Year's Eve dinner with my in laws, we visited Tainan with my mother and brother on New Year's Day. And then, we spent 5 days with my sister's family, my parents and brother. I had some first experiences: SUP and snorkeling!
After coming back, Regis had two week science research course. Felix had one week winter classes and took GEPT (The General English Proficiency Test) intermediate level on Feb.11. Besides, he started collecting stamps.

Jan. 21, Sat. Lunar New Year's Eve
home→ Yunlin
Jan. 22, Sun. Lunar New Year's Day
Jan. 24-25, Tue.-Wed.
Jan. 26, Thu.
四重溪溫泉公園 Sichongxi Hot Spring Park Kenting
accommodation: Eric Inn

Jan. 27, Fri.
SUP and snorkeling with 5 min to the Sea at 小巴里島 白砂 Kaohsiung