Monday, January 29, 2007

We're sisters!

I couldn't believe that! Guess what?! I contracted with a wedding photo studio in Ban-Ciao yesterday. I talked with my sis online this morning, and she said she did it in Kaohsiung the day before yesterday! What a coincidence! Besides, both of us want our photos shot in April and get married this year! A double blessing will descend upon our family. From now on, I need to keep eating, eating, gain some weight. I plan to pick dresses in early March.


  1. Congratulate you first!It looks as if I can attend your wedding ceremony this year.
    I look forward to seeing your photos.Remember to share them with me.

  2. 所謂姊妹的心有靈犀一點通大概就是這樣吧!

  3. Dai Rong,
    Thank you for the congratulations. We plan to join Taipei group wedding in May. Today we decided our wedding banquet will take place on Sat. June 9. Hope to see you then!

  4. Wow! Congratulations! How was the "formal proposal" on Valentine's Day? Tell us about it.. or tell me next time I see you!

  5. Dear Yi-jiun~~

    It's so nice to hear from you!
    I'm Joanne 家倩
    Congratulations to you!
    You're getting married soon!
    It's been a long long time that we haven't hear from each other, right?
    I wish you a Happy New Year, and happy marriage!
    P.S: Now, I'm studying in West Virginia, so I won't have the chance to see the beautiful bride...But, make sure I can see your wedding pictures on the blog, ok? ^o^

  6. My dear sis,
    I gained 2 kg!!! 50 kg now! Ever since my birth, I'd never seen the number on the scale. I'm excited.
