Thursday, February 06, 2014

winter break 2014

小肚's in the kindergarten and 小小肚's at the babysitter's. We went hiking at 象山 and lunched at Taipei 101 Jan. 23.

My sis, who will have a baby boy this April, moved into a new apartment in Kaohsiung last Dec. We stayed at her place for 4 days before the lunar new year and had lunch with two of my college classmates and their children at 陶板屋. During the New Year holiday, we stayed at my in laws’ in Yunlin and at my parents’ in Taichung. My sons got many red envelopes and ate much.
My sons have been crazy about dinosaurs for 3 months since I bought books about the huge creatures. We went to National Museum of Natural Science to see dinosaurs on the 3rd.
We found a new apartment building in 大坑 yesterday which is under construction and will finish at the end of next year, and we decided to buy a three bedroom apartment with mountain views on the 12th floor before coming back to Taipei today. Time to tighten the belt again!


  1. 終於有時間和水七
    手牽手 重溫戀愛時的美好時光

    1. Just remind you that this Friday is a BIG day. Valentine's Day!

  2. 就是喜歡家人一起出遊的感覺
    隨興隨意 無拘無束
    我們要的不多 這一點點就是我最大的幸福

  3. 好豐富的寒假家庭生活日記 讚!!

    1. We had a wonderful relaxing time with you during the winter break.
      And, we all look forward to your visit this weekend!
