Sunday, November 24, 2019

birthday month 2019

We have a very tight schedule this month. Piano and choir performances, midterms, school writing and speech contests, New Taipei City Student Competition of Music (choir and piano) and camping trip at Mayaluan, Miaoli! Felix went for a two-day trip to 大雪山(Da Syue Mt.) with school science research clubI hope my sons learn to make good use of time.
We spent the weekend just before the midterms with our families in Taichung and attending my mother's elementary school reunion in Miaoli. I'm glad Felix ranked 2nd in the class and grateful that my parents, my parents and brother in law went see my sons' performances at 豐樂 Park.

My big uncle passed away the morning of Friday, Nov. 8, in his hometown of Miaoli. The last time I saw him was almost 8 months ago. I planed to take my sons to see him again after New Taipei City Student Competition of Music. It's too late~ I attended the funeral in the middle of the month.
As president of Small Waterdrop Choir parent association, I was busy on my birthday. The  choir performed at Shulin Arts Center.
Small Waterdrop Choir performed at 興仁 Night Market on Nov. 22.
We went camping with my junior high classmate 曉琳 and her friends at Mayaluan, Miaoli. She booked the campsite in June. It's our 10th camping trip. My dad joined us again!
My husband bumped into my aunt at 銅鑼 Train Station while my sons and I napped in car on the way home. She gave us homemade 麻糬.